
University Lost Money Selling Beer To College Kids
University Lost Money Selling Beer To College Kids
University Lost Money Selling Beer To College Kids
The Big 10 athletic conference is filled with schools like Ohio State, Michigan and Michigan State — massive public universities with excellent reputations both on and off the football field. Then there's Minnesota, a BIG 10 school that hasn't won a conference title in football since 1967 and somehow lost money while selling beer to college students at TCF Bank Stadium in 2012...
Would You Dare Drink a Ten Year Old Beer?
Would You Dare Drink a Ten Year Old Beer?
Would You Dare Drink a Ten Year Old Beer?
While alcoholic folklore often paints a rotten picture of a man on a mission to drink himself blind with things like household chemicals, kerosene and anti-freeze, it is the consensus of “the committee” that not even the most desperate of the breed would dare knock back a bottle of decade-old beer.
So There’s Beer And Bacon-Scented Soap Now
So There’s Beer And Bacon-Scented Soap Now
So There’s Beer And Bacon-Scented Soap Now
Love the smell of bacon, beer, and other "manly" meats, drinks and things of this world? Would you like to smell like this stuff all the time? Well, you don't have to bathe in a tub full of beer to smell like the frothy stuff, just order some beer-scented ManHands soap.
Take the Helm — Open Your Own Brewery
Take the Helm — Open Your Own Brewery
Take the Helm — Open Your Own Brewery
When I was a kid and adults asked me what I wanted to do when I was older, I gave people my forty year plan. I was going to play point guard in the NBA and after my all-star career ended I would become a globe-trotting archeologist. Then, reality set in.
Beer Muscles Are a Real Thing Now, Says Science
Beer Muscles Are a Real Thing Now, Says Science
Beer Muscles Are a Real Thing Now, Says Science
There have been countless naysayers throughout the years guilty of spewing out health-nut, anti-beer propaganda in hopes of convincing a society of two-fisted boozehounds that a drinker’s lifestyle is detrimental to his health. However, an ambitious and heroic team of Japanese scientists has recently concluded that all of that “beer is bad for you” business is for feeble-bodied weaklings, as their

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