
Here’s 10 Vampire Movies That Truly Suck
Here’s 10 Vampire Movies That Truly Suck
Here’s 10 Vampire Movies That Truly Suck
'Dracula Untold' is hitting theaters this weekend*, and truth be, uh, told, it doesn't look that great. But it could be worse -- a whole lot worse. Cinema has a rich history with blood-suckers, and thanks to the over-saturation in the genre, it's quite rare to see a great vampire film. For every good one, there's at least 10 not-so-good vampire flicks. Honestly, it was hard to choose just 10 because there are some real stinkers out there. As a disclaimer, we kept 'Twilight' out of this because it was just a little too obvious. We all know it's awful, we don't need to beat a dead sparkle-horse. *Does Dracula's story really need to be told again? Yeah, dude, we get it.
White Girls Be Trippin: A Supercut of Girls Falling in Horror Movies
White Girls Be Trippin: A Supercut of Girls Falling in Horror Movies
White Girls Be Trippin: A Supercut of Girls Falling in Horror Movies
No genre inspires as many cliches, both beloved and hated, as horror. Put on any random slasher movie while a horror buff is in the room and chances are strong that he'll be able to map out every moment, and every poor decision on the part of the main characters, a half hour in advance. However, that horror buff will also tell you that the predictability of it all can be a lot of fun.
Great Costume Ideas for Halloween
Great Costume Ideas for Halloween
Great Costume Ideas for Halloween
So Halloween is just around the corner, which means if you haven't gotten and idea about what kind of costume you are going to wear then it's time to figure that out.  Here are some great costume ideas.

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