
Chinese Man Builds Himself Awesome Bionic Hands
Chinese Man Builds Himself Awesome Bionic Hands
Chinese Man Builds Himself Awesome Bionic Hands
A Chinese man who lost both of his hands eight years ago after a homemade bomb exploded, has built himself a new pair of hands. Yes, he built himself a pair of bionic hands.  We know what you’re thinking….how did he even start without any hands in the first place?
Plastic Fork Removed From Man’s Stomach After 10 Years
Plastic Fork Removed From Man’s Stomach After 10 Years
Plastic Fork Removed From Man’s Stomach After 10 Years
In the U.K., a 40-year-old man recently had a plastic fork surgically removed from his stomach after swallowing it. That’s bad enough, but when you consider that he ingested the item a decade ago, the story reaches all new levels of weird. We’ll never look at cutlery the same way again.
The West Nile Outbreak Expected To Worsen
The West Nile Outbreak Expected To Worsen
The West Nile Outbreak Expected To Worsen
Every year there is a fear of mosquitoes.  They bite you and leave you itching for days, but this year the fear is for a far more serious reason.  The West Nile Virus has been spreading throughout the state and is expected to get worse.

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