
‘Toddlers & Tiaras’ Mom Addresses ‘Go-Go Juice’ Controversy [VIDEO]
‘Toddlers & Tiaras’ Mom Addresses ‘Go-Go Juice’ Controversy [VIDEO]
‘Toddlers & Tiaras’ Mom Addresses ‘Go-Go Juice’ Controversy [VIDEO]
There are plenty of things to hate on the controversial but popular TLC child pageant reality show ‘Toddlers & Tiaras.’  But what seems to get folks most jazzed up is Southern fried pageant mom June, who gets her six-year old daughter Alana ready for the stage by having her drink something called “Go-Go Juice.”
Moms Admit To Medicating Kids For Peace And Quiet
Moms Admit To Medicating Kids For Peace And Quiet
Moms Admit To Medicating Kids For Peace And Quiet
Forget the time outs, more and more Moms are turning to meds for some quiet time. According to a survey done by the Today Show,one in five moms admit to giving their kids a dose of something strong before long trips or to ensure a good nights sleep...