Summer 2016

Best Places in Amarillo for a Summer Date
Best Places in Amarillo for a Summer Date
Best Places in Amarillo for a Summer Date
Summer, we have been waiting for Summer since the first snow.  We love Summer and now that it is almost here the excitement is barely containable.  So now that the warm, toasty Summer is here, here's a list of great places to take a date in Amarillo this Summer.
Summer Fun Approaches
Summer Fun Approaches
Summer Fun Approaches
Let's face it, Summer is just around the corner.  School has 2 more weeks left and you can already tell the kids and teacher and parents are ready for summer.  Summer is that time of year we look forward to because we find ourselves having fun.  Swimming, vacations, breaks, sunshine, backyard BBQs and so much more.  So here are the Top 5 things to look forward to this Summer.

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