101.9 Blake FM Is Wrapping Your Christmas Gift FREE!
Christmas is just a little over a week away! Let that sink in for a second. Ok so now you are probably panicking because you have so much to do, right? Well, let us help you by wrapping your Christmas gifts for free!
Every year we do something special to say 'Thank You' for supporting us all year. We wrap your gifts for free! Well, not us actually. We hire professional gift wrappers to do the work. They have the wrapping paper, tape, ribbon and name tags. All you have to do is bring your gifts to get wrapped up! They don't, however, have boxes so if you need if your gift needs one, be sure to bring that with you.
We know that Christmas can sneak up on you, so we want to relieve some of that stress. Our wrappers do an awesome job and make your gifts look amazing! Plus, we will have Santa Claus on site with us. So if you need someone to distract the kids while you sneak their presents to the wrapping table, I’m sure the jolly guy will be perfect.
In order to get everyone's gifts wrapped, we are setting a limit of 10 gifts. The wrapping line will close 15 minutes before the end, so get there early.
Here's our Wrap It Up stops
Saturday, December 13th:
Silverland 12:00pm-3:00pm
2608 Wolflin Ave
Tuesday, December 16th:
Coffee Memorial Blood Center 4pm-7pm
7500 Wallace Blvd
Friday, December 19th:
Marble Depot 4-7p
400 NE 2nd Ave
Saturday, December 20th:
Buzula Furniture 1:00pm-4:00pm
716 W Interstate 40