Big Texan Is About To Serve It’s 10,000th 72 Ouncer…
Over the years the folks at the Big Texan have made their mark in the hearts and minds of travelers and locals alike here in the Panhandle. The Texas Icon that has long outlived the mother road continues to serve it's fare of steaks, chicken fried, ribs and more is known more for the beast of a challenge is getting ready to hit a big milestone.

Sure enough they are getting close to serving their 10,000th 72 ounce steak which is actually free if you eat it in two hours with it's included sides, a Shrimp Cocktail, Baked Potato, Salad, with butter and a roll.
There's been plenty of challengers over the years...
Sure enough when you have a steak that big you're going to have plenty of folks come along and try and take that challenge, surprisingly more Women actually complete the challenge over men 1 in 2 vs 1 in 10 respectively. Honestly if you're a guy sitting in the Texan it's best to keep your ego in check on this the odds are clearly not in our favor on this. There are plenty of videos on youtube but one of my favorites is watching Bobby Hill take on the challenge, Clearly they couldn't use the Texan name but you catch the drift...
Now I'll admit I wouldn't have the stomach to handle 4 1/2 pounds of meat but I'll certainly tip my hat to anyone who does.
If you happen to be the 10,000th send us a nice note on our app. We'd love to share your story about the experience, I'd ask to share but according to the rules... that isn't allowed.