Last Friday May 8 these two fine people decided to burglarize a building on the campus of Amarillo College. Amarillo Crime Stoppers would like to buy them a bologna sandwich and a soda. The two suspects entered the building on the campus on South Washington and were able to take off with different audio visual equipment and hand tools. These items possibly have serial numbers  that may not be visual by non-technicians.

Amarillo Crime Stoppers
Amarillo Crime Stoppers

If you have any information on this crime or know who the suspects are, call Amarillo Crime Stoppers at 806-374-4400.  You can also submit an anonymous tip online at or by using the P3 Tips App.  If your tip leads to an arrest you could earn a reward of up to $1,000.


The Amarillo Crime Stoppers program is funded by private donations and fund raising. NO TAX DOLLARS are involved. The reward money paid out by the program is from the fund raising and donations from concerned citizens and businesses. As always, we would like to thank the Amarillo community for your support.

All suspects and images are used to identify a possible theft or injury to public or private property.  Subjects pictured are considered innocent until proven guilty by a court of law in Texas

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