The Amarillo Police department needs your help catching this child abuser.

It is so sad to think that things like this can happen in our city... On Tuesday, June 5th around 11:00 o'clock a.m. there was a group of children playing Football on the Fannin Middle School field located at 4627 S Rusk St in Southeast Amarillo
when an 11 boy was assaulted.

The police described the assailant as an adult man Hispanic orientation wearing grey athletic clothing and a black and white bandana.

No one knows what caused this assault to take place and there is no word on how extensive the 11-year-old boy's injuries are. If you have any information about this assault, you are asked to contact the Amarillo Crime Stoppers by calling (806) 374-4400 or submit a tip anonymously at

If your tips lead to an arrest or identifying the suspect you could receive $1,000 in reward money.

For more information click here.

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