Here Are A Few Texas Laws That Go Into Effect This Year
By the end of the year, Texas will have a few new laws here are some of them:
As I reported yesterday, starting September 1st anyone in the state of Texas can constitutionally carry and purchase a handgun without a permit or any type of gun training.
A law that is controversial from start to finish.
House Bill 1927 states that if you are not prohibited to carry a gun you can definitely own one here in the great state of Texas.
Another law that goes into effect is House Bill 1239.
This is the law that bans churches or places of worship from closing during a disaster.
Alcohol-to-go is now permanent.
During the pandemic, Governor Abbott allowed businesses temporary permission to allow to-go alcohol and to delivered alcohol. House Bill 1024 now allows alcohol to be delivered or taken to go as long as it's in a tamper-free container.
Mark Cuban owner of the Dallas Mavericks caught heat from politicians and the NBA for yanking the National Anthem before games, which led to the Star-Spangled Banner Protection Act which makes it unlawful for any professional sports teams with a contract with a Texas state government to play the national anthem before the start of every game.
In my opinion, this last one could be looked at as rather racist. (Not even going to bring up the even more racist voting law that Democrats walked out of)
The Critical Race Theory Bill that goes into effect September 1st controls how teachers talk about race and racism in schools.
Why control that, let's teach our future how things were in this country.
Let's not hide it, what are they ashamed of? (sarcasm)
Just to name a few new Texas laws!
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