I've written extensively about National Mother-In-Law Day in the past. It's a weird, oddball holiday that got its start right here in Yellow City. What began as a fun back-and-forth between some poor guy and his mother-in-law turned into a national spectacle.

Yes, your mother-in-law gets her own unique holiday, and you can thank Amarillo for it.

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Do People Really Celebrate National Mother-In-Law Day?

You do now that she's read this. Congrats.

It all started because a guy published something that offended his mother-in-law, and mothers-in-law all over town. To apologize he put together a giant spectacle.

Toasting glasses

News spread like wildfire, and even reached the White House prompting a visit from the then First Lady.

You can't get rid of something once the First Lady gets involved. Whether it's just saying no or children's nutrition; what the Lady of the house says, sticks.

Ways You Can Celebrate National Mother-In-Law Day

First, don't pretend like some flowers are going to do the trick. You know your mother-in-law. You'll need to do better than that.

She probably already has her own garden full. So, I put together a few quick ideas that might interest you and her.

Feed Your Mother-In-Law...With Love

Homemade Country Fried Steak with Gravy and Potatoes

Might I recommend a hearty meal. Get your mother-in-law good and fed. If you're lucky She might even be fortunate enough to eat her way into a nap; if you do it right. Lord knows you she could use the rest.

Help Empower Your Mother-In-Law With Knowledge

taking photo with cellphone

Enroll her in a course on technology. Namely, social media. This way she will be empowered and capable of keeping up with what's happening at your house without calling or texting you non-freaking-stop out of love and concern.

Book A Trip For Your Mother-In-Law

Andrii Iemelyanenko
Andrii Iemelyanenko

Preferably somewhere exotic and very, very far away. She deserves a bit of adventure, and sending her three hours away won't do the trick.

Beaches are nice this time of year.

Sure it's expensive, but can you really put a price on all that peace and quiet you'll get giving your beautiful mother-in-law time to relax and recharge. Plus, think of all the photos she'll want to share with you when she gets back.

Happy National Mother-In-Law Day

Seriously though, thank you mothers-in-law. Your constant attention to details, unannounced visits, late night phone calls, and casseroles keep the world moving and all of us on our toes.

Happy National Mother-In-Law Day.

Downtown Amarillo Over The Years

Downtown Amarillo has seen an incredible metamorphosis. Take a look at the photos below to see just how much it's changed--you won't believe the difference.

Untouched by Time: The Historic Homes of Polk Street Then & Now

You know you've entered Amarillo's historic district once you hit the red brick roads of Center City. A unique reflection of past and present, Amarillo's historic homes seem to pose pristinely against the curb.

These large, thoughtfully designed historic homes are part of the most beautiful neighborhoods in Amarillo. But most residents will agree that nothing quite tops the staggering royal beauty of the grand homes of Polk Street. Built by Amarillo's founding fathers, the looming estates of South Polk are a sight to behold.

Check out these stunning comparison photos that show how these gorgeous structures have remained nearly untouched by time.

Check Out The Original Names For These Amarillo Streets

It's hard to imagine these well-known Amarillo streets as any other name. Try to imagine giving directions to someone while using their original names. Gets tricky, doesn't it?

The new names (that we currently know them by) came mostly from associates of Henry Luckett, who drew the first map of the area. When this took place exactly, records do not show, but the street name revamp is covered extensively in 'Old Town Amarillo' by Judge John Crudgington, published in the Plains Historical Review in 1957.

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