New Business In Amarillo Will Run All Your Errands for You
Forgot Milk at the store? Need Chick-fil-a delivered?
There is a new business opening up in Amarillo that is about to make your life a whole lot easier. "Favor" is your new on-line assent. You can download their app and the possibilities are endless. You can literally get anything delivered to your house or apartment in under an hour.
If you need Favor to go do your grocery shopping or go grab you a pizza from 575, or pick you up your favorite latte from Palace they got your back.
You can start ordering Favors in Amarillo on September 24th, 2018. Right now they are offering a special deal for new users in Amarillo. Download the app and get $50 credit to your account.
The great part about Favor is they don't slam you with delivery fees. Some deliveries start at only $1.
To learn more about Favor Amarillo you can go to or download the Favor app in your app store.