Amazingly Fun Farm 2014

Here’s 10 Vampire Movies That Truly Suck
Here’s 10 Vampire Movies That Truly Suck
Here’s 10 Vampire Movies That Truly Suck
'Dracula Untold' is hitting theaters this weekend*, and truth be, uh, told, it doesn't look that great. But it could be worse -- a whole lot worse. Cinema has a rich history with blood-suckers, and thanks to the over-saturation in the genre, it's quite rare to see a great vampire film. For every good one, there's at least 10 not-so-good vampire flicks. Honestly, it was hard to choose just 10 because there are some real stinkers out there. As a disclaimer, we kept 'Twilight' out of this because it was just a little too obvious. We all know it's awful, we don't need to beat a dead sparkle-horse. *Does Dracula's story really need to be told again? Yeah, dude, we get it.
Great Costume Ideas for Halloween
Great Costume Ideas for Halloween
Great Costume Ideas for Halloween
So Halloween is just around the corner, which means if you haven't gotten and idea about what kind of costume you are going to wear then it's time to figure that out.  Here are some great costume ideas.
15 Dogs Who Are So Ready For Fall
15 Dogs Who Are So Ready For Fall
15 Dogs Who Are So Ready For Fall
With Labor Day just over a week away, it's time to face the facts-- summer is coming to an end way too soon. But even though we won't be able to wipe out on Slip n' Slides too much longer, there are still tons of awesome things we can look foward to in the Fall, and apparently dogs are so ready for it.
The Pros and Cons of Fall
The Pros and Cons of Fall
The Pros and Cons of Fall
You may have noticed by the bite in the air or the goo in your eyes -- fall is here! We have mixed emotions about this, so we thought we'd treat it like every person we've ever dated and make a thorough pro/con list about it before it never returns our calls anyway.
10 Fun and Romantic Fall Getaways
10 Fun and Romantic Fall Getaways
10 Fun and Romantic Fall Getaways
We tend to associate the end of summer and the arrival of fall with going back to school or getting back to work, as the vacation season is over. But that doesn’t have to be the case. The northern hemisphere contains some pretty remarkable fall destinations, perfect for weekend adventures or even weeklong getaways...

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