Sting is nowhere to be seen, but the police are still singing.
In this video, a policeman in Britain named Ian Northcott joins some other performers on the street to help belt out their version of 'Wonderwall' by Oasis while a crowd looks on.
Shakespeare once posed the question, “What’s in a name?” Apparently, your name can say a lot about you. Take, for example, Milwaukee, WI police officer Michael Vagnini whose badge was recently taken from him for conducting illegal body cavity searches on detainees. Coincidence, or inevitability?
Greece’s version of Jim Bob Duggar has been exposed as a fraud due to a tiny slip up. The man, whose identity is protected by Greek law, created 19 non-existent children in order to live off of government benefits. Unfortunately, police caught on to the scheme when the man’s taxes claimed he had the largest family in the country.