
Travelling Around Georgia Street Will Be A Nightmare
Travelling Around Georgia Street Will Be A Nightmare
Travelling Around Georgia Street Will Be A Nightmare
I have lived in Amarillo for a big portion of my life. I know how construction can be. It seems it is never over. It’s part of life that we jus have to deal with. Once it is done then in a certain area it gets better but while it is going on it can seem just the longest.
Amarillo Mornings Can Be Brutal
Amarillo Mornings Can Be Brutal
Amarillo Mornings Can Be Brutal
Nothing is worse than waking up on the wrong side of the bed. That just starts your day off in the worst way possible. Those are the mornings that drivers on I40 seem to cut you off. You can't handle it. You just want to get to your job Downtown as soon and as with as little drama as possible.