After we had to give up having the Hoodoo Mural Festival last year, the artists kicked it back off with incredible pieces making the wait more than worth it.
We've all seen the new mural in downtown Amarillo, and the one that just had a ribbon cutting in the Barrio district. There are more popping up all over town.
An opportunity to showcase your art for the public, and to see local art, is starting this weekend. The AMoA will give you a chance to put your work on display.
When you think of date night, you probably envision dinner and maybe a movie. If you get really creative, you probably go bowling or to play mini golf. But for you artistic ones, there is something cool to do.
This artist has a tongue of talent.
An artist in India named Ani K says he has painted more than 1,000 pictures with his tongue, with an eight-foot replica of 'The Last Supper' his prized piece.
Like many greats, though, he suffers for his art:
After painting with my tongue, I experience pain in jaws, headaches, slight loss of vision and dip in memory power...