Ok, with the wedding just 130 days away I am of course trying to get in shape. I've cut out cokes and replaced them with water and green tea, and I try to eat healthy. I'm not one for fad diets or totally changing my way of life...well until now. I'm going to try being a Vegan for one week. One whole week. In case your not up to the minute on diet trends that means cutting out any and every food that comes from an animal. No dairy, eggs or meat of course. The big problem for me is giving up cheese. I mean , I get to keep drinking wine but no cheese to go with it ??? Ok, one week starting Monday- after the Super Bowl - 0f course. I'll let ya know how it goes , and if you want to try it with me keep me updated on your progress. Or, if you just think I'm nuts ( which I think I'm allowed to eat) you can leave that comment too ! Let me know your thoughts :)

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