Just what every Amarillo citizen wants to hear is that "you live in a city where it is highly probable your home will be burglarized."

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Not something you ever want to hear.

We all know that Amarillo has a lot of crime for a city its size.  However, when the facts are put right in front of your face, it hurts to admit that the city could be safer.

Amarillo ranks #23 in the United States for Burglary vulnerability

#23 out of 500 cities in the county!

Here is where Amarillo ranks in those key metrics (1 is the most vulnerable):

  • Total Number of Residential Burglaries - 55th
  • Residential Burglaries per 10,000 Households - 26th
  • Home Value Index - 437th
  • Share of Single-Unit Detached Homes - 93rd

Amarillo is #2 in Texas, while Houston takes the top spot.

One of the largest cities in the entire country is #1 in the state of Texas,  and Amarillo with a population of less than 200k is #2.  That's a scary statistic.

Here's how other Texas cities ranked in the study:

  • Lubbock - 28th overall, 3rd in Texas
  • Tyler - 39th overall, 4th in Texas
  • Corpus Christi - 41st overall, 5th in Texas
  • Fort Worth - 57th overall, 6th in Texas
  • Dallas - 70th overall, 5th in Texas

Burglars tend to target these types of homes:

  • Homes that look vacant with overgrown yards, and mail overflowing.
  • Homes that are well-landscaped
  • Homes without security
  • Homes that are easily accessible
  • Homes without dogs

The study compared 500 US cities based on multiple factors including average home value, single-unit detached homes, and burglary prevalence.

Find the full report from Fence Gnome here.

Wild, Weird, & Outright Odd Crimes of the Texas Panhandle in 2022

There's some strange things that happen here in the Texas Panhandle. And we do mean strange.

If you need a few examples....keep scrollin' to see some of the wild, weird, and flat out odd things that our local hellions have gotten themselves into this year....so far.

Gallery Credit: Sarah Clark

Amarillo's Most Wanted: Help Bring These Fugitives to Justice

These are the fugitives who make up Amarillo's Most Wanted list. The individuals on this list have been accused of serious crimes and are considered a danger to society.

If you have any information about these FUGITIVES, you are urged to call Amarillo Crime Stoppers at (806) 374-4400 or submit a Web Tip by visiting THIS LINK


You do not have to give your name. AMARILLO CRIME STOPPERS will pay a reward of up to $300 and you WILL remain anonymous. 

Updated as of 8/06/2023

Gallery Credit: Sarah Clark

Amarillo Criminals On Death Row

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