Big Trucks! It’s The 2012 Monster Jam World Finals
It appears that legendary late night comedy tycoon Lorne Michaels (‘Saturday Night Live’) is now in the Internet video biz, big time. Recently he added a digital production arm to his company Broadway Video — titled Above Average Productions — which produces short form comedy. Whoa, how weird, here’s one now!
The video comes to us from sketch comedy duo Paulilu Mixtape, made up of Paul W. Downs and Lucia Aniello, former Upright Citizen Brigade theater students. Jeez, everyone big comes out of that place these days! Sounds like a recipe for success.
The video stars Paul (we’re guessing) as Jasper Cooch, host of ‘Big Trucks,’ a show all about big trucks, big tires and rusty nuts!
In this episode, Jasper travels to the 2012 Monster Jam World Finals, where he meets an ungodly amount of hicks who love nothing more than to watch monster trucks do tricks, race and then demolish everything in sight. At first, he makes an appearance at the ‘pit party.’ It’s basically a field of rednecks (some more than others) who gather to tailgate. OK, so maybe not all of them are rednecks, but still, it seems like a mundane event in itself which can only be resurrected by comedy.
Then it’s onto the actual show… the Monster Jam. And that… seems like fun?
No matter how you feel about monster trucks — we can take a guess — the video is well done and very funny. It also makes us all yearn to head down to see some monster truck ridin’! Maybe not that far.
We look forward to seeing more from Paulilu Mixtape.