Chris Jericho Challenges Predators Superfan Carrie Underwood With $10K Hockey Bet
One person you probably don't want to take on when it comes to pro hockey is Carrie Underwood. After all, she's married to Mike Fisher, who's currently in the midst of a playoff series besting his team, the Nashville Predators, against the Winnipeg Jets.
Well, that warning isn't something that pro wrestler Chris Jericho was prepared to heed. Although he's not actually married to any team members himself, he's a Winnipeg boy, his dad was a pro NHL player, and he's a superfan of the Jets; and he has challenged Underwood to a rather taunting challenge: A $10,000 bet as to which team would win the second-round Stanley Cup Playoff series.
“If she’s a proud Nashville Predators fan, half as much as she claims to be, she’ll have no problem doing a friendly wager,” Jericho said during an interview on a local Winnipeg radio station.
He put up social media posts in hopes to lure the country superstar to his wager, and also proposed that the money could go to charity — which sounds nice. But then he added the rather not-nice comment that Underwood is "married to a fourth line bench-warmer." Ouch. We're sure this is all in the spirit of good old-fashioned rivalry fun, but there are some lines that should not be crossed!
Unsurprisingly, Underwood — a devout supporter of her husband's sports career, and just Sunday (April 29) performed the U.S. National Anthem before his game — has not responded to the challenge.
Currently, the Preds and Jets are tied 1-1 in the series, and at posting time were tied 3-3 at their May 1 game in Winnipeg.
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