Did You Know Amarillo Has A School That Will Make You Rock?
Most of us are very familiar with the cinematic masterpiece that is School of Rock. Jack Black's film about prep school kids learning to rock is an American classic. So much so, that it has inspired several real life schools of Rock.
Did you know that Amarillo has its own school that will make you rock?

Give 'Em Three Chords And The Truth
I've heard everyone from Willie Nelson to Rock N Roll royalty say that is the secret to writing a good song. While that may be true, there's a bit more involved for kids who study at Amarillo's Rock With A Band.
Kids who get their music lessons at Rock With A Band learn how to play their instrument, and then they learn how to perform with their instrument.
Amarillo's Real Life School Of Rock
The way it works is pretty simple. Kids sign up to take music lessons. They'll learn how to play their instrument. After months of learning and practicing, then they learn how to rock...sort of.
The kids are matched up with a band after learning for several months. In all honesty, this sounds like a recital I would gladly give up my evening for.
It has to beat wearing a jacket and tie so I can sit and listen to thirteen different versions of the same Beethoven standard.
Fundraiser Coming Up To Benefit Rock With A Band
We also have a Rock N Roll themed coffee shop in town, in case you didn't know. That coffee shop is having a fundraiser early next month for Rock With A Band.
That's a hefty list of acts. You can find out more by checking out Rock N Roll Coffee Shop on Facebook.
Just remember kids, it's a long way to the top...well, you know the rest.
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