Help Make Amarillo Beautiful With City Clean Up Day
I love when people when a group of people puts their collective energy into making the world a better place.
Early into the new school year, the AAYC is partnering with much local business and non-prophet organization around town to host an “Amarillo Clean-Up Day.” They believe it is not the city governments sole responsibility to ensure our city stays beautiful.
The responsibly of a clean city is up to every citizen! It takes all of to make a difference. If you would like to join the City-Wide Clean-Up Day it will be held on September 21, 2019, from 10 am - 1 pm.
There is no specific meeting place for the event because it is happening everywhere! Where ever you are, whatever area of town you live in make some time to rake leaves, pick up trash, or get creative! If you have an idea that would help beautify Amarillo - go for it! When you do, make sure you use the hashtag #MyBlockPlus1