There is no doubt that murals have become a huge thing here in Amarillo. You can drive all over town and see these works of art all over different businesses in different parts of our city.

I think they really are cool. We even have festivals that highlight the new ones painted. The Hoodoo Mural Festival just recently happened and they got to debut several new murals around Downtown Amarillo.

One of the murals that recently popped up in Downtown Amarillo really made me proud for this city. It restored my faith that people around here really are kind.

We learned back in August that Lloyd McMaster, a homeless man here in Amarillo, was tragically killed in one of the locations he was known for standing. He was at the corner of I-40 and Georgia on the underpass. He was minding his own business when he was killed by a guy driving a car off the Interstate.

Authorities couldn't find his family right away but several people wanted to have a memorial for Lloyd anyway. They didn't want his life to not be remembered. He was a person and he had a story.

McMaster was lovingly known as Scratch-Off due to his love of scratch-off lottery tickets. He will now be remembered for even a longer time as recently a mural went up of Lloyd. A reminder of the homeless population here in Amarillo.

credit: Sarah Clark, TSM
credit: Sarah Clark, TSM

I asked the folks at Love in Action about this new mural:

It brought tears to our eyes. It's so amazing to us that the city sees that our friends on the streets are human and in the simplest way can make such an impact on people's lives. We are glad to see that he won't be a fading memory but every time people drive by it will bring a smile to their faces. We hope that this tragedy will inspire the people of Amarillo and the city itself to be better and do more to help our street peeps

A reminder of his tragic death. This a reminder that we all could and should be a bit kinder to everyone we meet. You don't always know their story. If you stopped and talked to the homeless once in a while you might

The Five Beautiful Murals Added to Downtown Amarillo

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