There has been little to no communication from the folks at Volcano Korean BBQ. They have been radio silent. All we want to know is when and if they are ever going to open. We care.

We are hungry. We are very interested in trying Korean BBQ. I mean this is a new concept here in Amarillo. So yeah, we notice when you are not open. I know I have emailed your business a couple of times with no reply.

So that has been discouraging. We just want to visit your business but we need to know when this could possibly happen. We will wait for you if we just know how long we will have to wait.

Any kind of communication will be great. Their Facebook page didn't have a new post since September. That was a bit discouraging as well. We want to try your food. We want to give you business.

So it may have been since September but their page finally got some life to it. Was it because we asked the question again this week? We just want to know if Volcano BBQ is ever going to open.

It's a valid question. They have responded in sorts.

This post does leave me with some more questions. They are not closed for construction. I mean they have never opened yet. So they are not closed for construction.

They also said they will let us know when they are ready to reopen. Again, they have not been opened yet. So they can't reopen. I had to go back and make sure this was actually the Volcano Korean BBQ page here in Amarillo. It was.

So if those are photos from the Amarillo store then we know they are not ready to open. They are not waiting for a final inspection. It is not a hold-up from the city as some have suggested.

We just are ready for some Korean BBQ. Please. Oh, and please do keep us posted. We are so interested in trying you out. I promise.

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