Few things get people as choked up as military reunions, and this one is no different. One look at this video, and you'll realize that all the little things we worry about on a daily basis really aren't worth the stress.
Chris Young had the chance to catch up with an old friend during a visit to Minot Air Force Base last week. The singer stopped by the base for a CD signing with some of our country’s finest airmen as part of his work with Stars for Stripes and the Minot Exchange. While there, he was reunited with Wounded Warrior Scott Lilley, whom he first met in 2009 while working with Stars for Stripes.
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The Air Force has officially signaled its support of people with alternative religious beliefs. What are the alternative religions? Pagans, Druids, Wiccans, Witches and followers of Native American faiths are now welcome to practice just as mainstream believers can.