It seems like every time you turn around someone else has come down with Covid. I feel like you are in the minority if you haven't. It doesn't even matter if you are vaccinated or not. Everyone is getting it.
What is one of the biggest stresses you have had being a new mom? Maybe you did all this years ago. Maybe you are doing this now. I know that trying to figure out when your child needs a doctor is a big worry.
So every July we head to Downtown Amarillo. Our goal is to win a new Harley and party the night away. The Harley Party for the Downtown Women's Center is a thing. I have been there a few years. Heck, supporting Family Support Services after the year they have had. We are all in.
Have you had a little harder time sleeping through the pandemic? If you have well just know that you are not alone. We have been finding ourselves worrying a lot more. Less sleep, though, really does us no good. In fact it makes it easier for us to get sick. Our immune system starts to get compromised.
It's never any fun to get sick. Now, though, more than ever I feel people have been taking the extra precautions. I have noticed it. You have had to as well.
With all of this talk of Coronavirus we know the best way to avoid it is by washing our hands. We have to be more diligent in doing just that. Just think of all the stuff we touch throughout the day.
There is a lot of talk about what we should all be doing to avoid the Coronavirus and COVID-19. However, what if you become ill or think you have the disease?
Nobody likes to get sick right? The coughing, the burning throat, the extra sleep? I mean yes I know getting sick is not the best thing in the world. What, though, is the best?