You’ll Soon Have to Pay to Park in Downtown Amarillo
This has been a long time coming...
The revitalizes downtown efforts have been underway in Amarillo for a few years now. Every time I drive down Polk or Buchanan Street I notice a new business or restaurant opening up. Plus, with the baseball stadium set to be open soon, you expect it is going to come at a cost.
This the Amarillo City Council voted unanimously to implement marking meters all over downtown. But we aren't talking about parking meters you see in old movies. Ours will be cloud bases and you can pay through an app, card, phone or the old fashion way.
The parking meters are set to be in full swing by January 2019. Drivers will pay anywhere between $1-$1.50.
In my opinion, it is a small price to pay for a better downtown experience. Plus with all the new business I am sure there will be a parking garage opening soon with different payment options.
It is a small price to pay for progress!