Amarillo Zoo Is Letting Families Stay the Night With ‘Roars and Snores’
Imagine staying the night surrounded by the most beautiful exotic animals around. The Amarillo Zoo is giving you that chance with 'Roars and Snores!'
I have always wanted to go on a safari and sleep with the wilderness but the fact is I am such a scardey cat that I probably wouldn't last one day, lol. But how cool would it be? Well, the Amarillo Zoo is giving you the opportunity to do that without being eaten by lions or tigers.
It's called the Amarillo Zoo's Roars and Snores. Bring your tents and sleeping bags and experience wildlife up close and personal. This will not only be a fun time to spend with your kids, but you'll get to see what the zoo is like after hours.
The fun starts at 6:30 p.m. with a scavenger hunt so you can explore the Zoo. Then you can enjoy some up-close and personal animal encounters and other activities that may include animal enrichment projects and late night hikes.
The night will be filled with all the awesome animal sounds as you sleep. Then at 7:00 a.m. you'll get up and pack your gear. You will then enjoy a continental breakfast with the rest of the group.
You will finish off your morning by observing the animals enjoying an early morning tour around the Zoo. Roars and Snores ends at 9:00 a.m. but you are more than welcome to enjoy the Zoo for the remainder of the day.
You are allowed to bring drinks and snacks for your group. Dinner will be provided for an additional $5 per person. It will include a hot dog, chips, cookie, and soda pop. Dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m.
This is a good family fun event right in your backyard. All the fun will take place Saturday May 21st and end Sunday May 22nd. It will cost $30 per person unless you are wanting dinner then it will be $35. For more information or to get signed up call 806-381-5605.