Amarillo’s Iconic Cadillac Ranch Loses Its Color for an Important Cause

The photo above is the Cadillac Ranch as it first appeared in the early 80s. It began as an eccentric businessman's homage to his personal car collection, but has since evolved into something wholly different.
Stanley Marsh was a troubled and problematic man, but he also employed a small army of the Amarillo "scene" in the 90s to make weird and awesome public art. It was they who re-planted the ranch in its current location, and they who started the tradition of "tagging" the cars with spray paint. (Well, the spray paint part may be apocryphal, but the oral tradition of the West Texas scene says its true, so I'm going with it.)
Recently, in light of the rage and frustration that has followed the murder of George Floyd and other POC at the hands of police, the Cadillac Ranch has lost its rainbows of graffiti in favor of a solitary hue that stands in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. This is absolutely in line with the heritage and history of the Cadillac Ranch as a megalith to outsider art.
This is a good look on you, Amarillo. Certainly much better than this pile of rank farts*.
The Art of Erika Jane America
*Mr. Quackenbush's business may or may not be an actual pile of rank farts. It is the constitutionally protected opinion of Renee Raven that it is likely a huge, stinky pile of farts of the rankest order. Because racism, even the subtle, obtuse kind, still stinks.
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