Amarillo loves a good controversy. We really do. Usually when someone gets on Facebook to dog a business. One that they feel needs to change something to make this customer happy. Whether the change happens or not.
When was the last time you drove near Airport Boulevard in Amarillo? Of course, that is the location of the new Buc-ee's. We are so patiently waiting for the opening date of February 2025. That is what we were told.
We are lucky here in the Texas Panhandle when it comes to fun fall activities in our area. We know we can count on our pumpkin farms to give us some fun to do. Do you ever wonder what they do when the farm is not open?
The one thing we can say about Amarillo is that we love our food. Drive up and down pretty much any main street in our city and you will find evidence of that. So when some place new opens up we rejoice.