salvation army

Salvation Army Needs Help To Keep Homeless Warm
Salvation Army Needs Help To Keep Homeless Warm
Salvation Army Needs Help To Keep Homeless Warm
The cold has hit us like a ton of bricks.  Monday we were in the 70's and today we are in the teens.  That means that a lot of the homeless are looking for a warm place to stay.
Thank You Amarillo For Your Generous Donations to the Fritch Fire Relief
Thank You Amarillo For Your Generous Donations to the Fritch Fire Relief
Thank You Amarillo For Your Generous Donations to the Fritch Fire Relief
On May 11, 2014 wildfires spread through the city of Fritch destroying or damaging over 2500 acres of land and over 130 homes and buildings.  The residents of the Panhandle came together to help their fellow men, women and families, who lost their homes.  We were able to send a moving truck full of supplies to the area a few days after it happened.  After that we teamed up with our friends at ProN
The Amarillo Salvation Army Is In Need Of Bottled Water
The Amarillo Salvation Army Is In Need Of Bottled Water
The Amarillo Salvation Army Is In Need Of Bottled Water
The local chapter of the Salvation Army does a lot for the community including providing meals and shelter.  But this summer they really need your help.  They are in desperate need of bottled water.