Discovering the Thrilling World of Amarillo Weather Through the Eyes of a Storm Chaser
Weather is one of those things we all want to know about. Sometimes it is dangerous conditions where seriousness is what is needed when weather reporting, tornadoes, hurricanes, iced-over highways, and wildfires, all wreaking havoc. Other times, when it is hot as hades, a little laughter is needed because the heat is making everyone angry.
Amarillo has that guy!
His handle on TikTok is 806weatherinfo. He's a storm chaser and posts weather-related videos. Now keep in mind that this person isn't a meteorologist. However, being a storm chaser, he knows the signs of storms.
He definitely gives his followers a different look at the weather. If you've never seen a storm above a storm, it's quite a majestic view.
Not only are they living on the wild side chasing storms, but they are also living on the gas wild side, playing the will we make it to the gas station game.
Worried about what the weather is going to do? Here's a great way to find out.
Then there are times when the weather becomes serious, especially when it becomes dangerous and deadly. The most recent was the tornadoes in Perryton. It not only devastated the city, it brought the entire Texas Panhandle together to help.
However, on most days the weather is just basic, like in the summertime when Amarillo is sick and tired of the heat, and is praying for Fall and winter.
Need a different outlook on the weather? This is definitely worth checking out.
If you aren't a fan of TikTok, they also have a Facebook page you can follow.