City of Amarillo Needs Your Help Choosing New Signs For Downtown
Pretty soon, finding shopping, restaurants, and landmarks in downtown Amarillo will be much easier. The City of Amarillo is entering their final phase of preparing wayshowing signs for the downtown area. What is wayshowing? While you might not be familiar with the term, you will recognize these types of signs from other cities and neighborhoods all across the country.
As you can see in the picture above, wayshowing signs point to specific destinations or areas of interest. While we do have some smaller signs that point towards locations downtown, we don't have a uniformed way of pointing out destinations to tourists as they are driving or walking downtown. The only real wayshowing sign we have is located outside Hodgetown and points to the different gates and areas around the ballpark.
The sign designers, local committee, and City of Amarillo are looking for your feedback on which sign design you think would look best for Amarillo.
A committee comprised of members from TIRZ #1, Center City Main Street, Downtown Amarillo Inc. and the Convention and Visitors Council has worked with consultants Turner LandArchitecture to narrow down the concepts to four options. Over the past six weeks, these options have been presented to the various downtown boards and commissions. The funding for this project is provided by the Center City TIRZ budget and a Center City Main Street grant utilizing funds restricted for downtown use and/or this specific project.