Shocking Tik Toks! Does Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree Use the “F” Word?
When it comes to songs, half of us rarely get the lyrics right. Songs we have listened to for years or even songs that we have listened to our entire lives, we have sung the wrong lyrics. When it comes to Chrstimas songs we are no better. Here you go misheard lyrics Christmas Edition.
Let me just apologize now that you will never hear your favorite Christmas songs again the same way.
White Christmas
Would that be and Elf on the Shelf?
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
Maybe I have been naïve, but I never heard this misheard lyric until now and I will never not hear this lyric. Darn you Tik Tok.
Do They Know It's Christmas
Hmmm...well this misheard lyric is not very nice if that is the case.
Santa Baby
May the force be with you.
Mele Kalikimaka
I am so guilty on this one, I thought that's what it said.
Wow! I never heard the lyrics like some of these people have, but now that it has been pointed out, I will never hear them the correct way again.
'Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree' will never be the same for me ever again. I mean who did this and why. Not to mention, Mele Kalikimaka, I've sang it wrong for years. What was I thinking?
I can only imagine how many other Christmas songs, have misheard lyrics. I'll definitely have to do some more research and get back to you with more.
MEMES.......a la Amarillo, Texas
Sixth Street Over The Years - WOW! What A Change!
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