One of the things I loved about living in Amarillo is the fact that it is a great place to raise a family. It's a smaller town that doesn't necessarily feel small. We have stuff to do here constantly. Which is nice.
I really wish we could stop writing about scams happening in Amarillo. I wish we could find a way for everyone to make an honest living and not find the need to try to scam people out of their money.
I remember growing up we, as kids, were never buckled in the car. Heck, I don't even know if our car had seat belts. It would make it easier for us to nap on long car rides. We would crawl all over the back seat of our cars. Sometimes we would crawl and lie down on the top of the back seats in that window space. We were that cool.
It's going to be that crazy time of the year soon. We will be running from store to store trying to get our holiday's lined up. We will be shopping for food. We will be shopping for presents. It just gets to be so crazy.
If you are looking for a job now is your time. There are plenty of places that are hiring. You just need to find the one you like and get to filling out those online applications. The jobs are there.
Commissioner Mercy Murguia Steps Down From The Court leaving a nearly decade long legacy of service to not only Potter County but the people of Amarillo as well.
As things are finally starting to happen we continue to look for things to occupy our time. I like an evening that can bring you food. That has to start any fun evening off. How about then adding a fun activity.
So not that long ago I received a questionnaire from Potter County. I knew once I filled it in and submitted it I was on the clock. I knew it was only a matter of time until I would get that jury summons.
It was just earlier this month when I received the questionnaire from Potter County for Jury Duty. I filled it out. It was online. Simple. Just a few questions. I knew it was just a matter of time before I would receive a summons. I see you Potter County. I know how you work.