Unusual Fake Crime Scams Popping Up on Social Media
Social media is a platform that should be used to connect with one another in a positive way.

However, it has become a springboard for launching tirades, soap boxes, and now scams.
What started off as something fun to keep connected with family and friends has become something entirely different and let's face it that's not a good thing.
Over the last week, the strangest scams have been popping up. First, the Pampa Police Department posted about a scam floating around FB on their Facebook page.
The post read:
On 06/24/2022, the Pampa Police Department received a call at 5:31pm. The caller advised they were stopped next to a red semi truck near McDonalds on Hobart Street. The caller advised they heard what they thought was a child crying or screaming in the back of the truck. A description of the truck and direction of travel was dispatched to the Officers. However, the truck was never located. A subsequent post was made on social media stating the truck was pulled over and three kidnapped kids were recovered on Hobart. This information is incorrect. Our local DPS, Gray County Sheriff’s Office, nor the Pampa Police Department ever pulled a truck over today and rescued three kidnapped children. I know this post has caused some to be unsettled. We normally don’t respond to posts, but this time we want to let the citizens of Pampa know this information is false. Please be careful not to take to heart social media posts before confirming the facts. Had a situation like this occurred, we would have certainly put a press release out. Thank you.
Although, social media served to get the word out and spread awareness. It caused a panic throughout the city and had people thinking three children had been kidnapped.
The second incident occurred in Parmer County.
The Sheriff's Office posted a sample of a Facebook post of another crime scam. The viral crime post stated that two men were going around Bovina claiming to be homeless and asking for help. Then they would attack those trying to help. The post claims that they attacked a 33-year-old single mother with a knife and she was clinging on to life. The post contains a picture of two men and claims they are on the run and very dangerous.
The Parmer County Sheriff's said that this was a scam.
What is the point of these scam posts? Is it to get the community riled up and scared. If you happen to see anything like this on social media, it's best to check your local law enforcement pages to make sure it is real before sharing. Most of the time, if it is this serious, law enforcement will post on their social media, or they will share information with local media who will help get the word out.
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