What Changes Would You Like to See at the Amarillo Tri-State Fairgrounds?
Potter County and other groups in the city, are beginning to have discussions about updating the Amarillo Tri-State Fairgrounds and surrounding neighborhoods. You have the opportunity to be a part of those discussions.
The goal of these discussions is to improve the Fairground. It's a chance to make Amarillo bigger and better. When you have bigger and better you have more money coming into the city and more businesses moving in, thus, creating more jobs.
Who exactly owns the Fairgrounds?
The property is owned, by Potter County, along with the Amarillo Independent School District.
Before you start thinking, "there goes the City again trying to raise my taxes." The City of Amarillo does not own any part of the Tri-State Fairgrounds.
They will be a part of the meeting, along with Potter County, AISD, Amarillo-Potter Events Venue District and the Tri-State Expo. They want you to be involved in this meeting as well.
Don't be the person that says, "I never had a say in this, or why weren't we given a chance to voice our opinion."
This is your chance to voice your opinion on what you would like to see when it comes to the Amarillo Tri-State Fairgrounds.
The public meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 26th, from 5pm-7pm. The meeting will be held at the Tri-State Fairground offices, 3301 S.E. 10th Ave.
The goal of this meeting is to create a Master Plan for the Fairgounds. They want a group consensus on how to make the Fairgrounds more appealing while connection the neighborhood in the area.
They will have a presentation, and then they will open up for questions and comments. Plus, you have an opportunity to take the survey about the Tri-State Fairgrounds. The survey will be live until February 16th.
If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you can join virtually:
Participants can attend the public meeting in-person or virtually using the ZOOM link: