Best Place to Stop Between Amarillo and Wichita Falls
If you're driving from Amarillo to other places in the state or out of state you sometimes want to know the halfway point.

Let's look at the halfway point between Amarillo and Wichita Falls.
The technical halfway point between Amarillo and Wichita Falls is a small town called Smithdale, Texas. I've driven through it a thousand times but did I ever register it was a town? No, I did not.
If you've traveled in that direction then you have passed Smithdale, Texas multiple times. However, Smithdale, Texas doesn't even show up on the map and you have to go from Hwy 287 almost to Hwy 83 to get to it.
If you're looking for a meeting point exactly between Wichita Fallas and Amarillo, it is suggested the tiny little town of Carey, Texas is where you should meet. Carey is just 3 miles from Smithdale, but you can find it on the map.
Now if you're just looking for a place to stop and stretch your legs, or get gas, I would highly suggest stopping in Childress. They have many places to stop, including Pilot's Travel Center, and Walmart, they even have a Pak-A-Sak or even The Plaza Restaurant.
But if you're needing an exact point, for example, if you're exchanging your children with an ex, and they want the exact point then it's Smithdale or Carey, but there is really no place to pull into and stop, especially if the kids need a potty break or snacks.
Happy and safe travels if you're on your way to Wichita Falls.
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