Go Inside The “Secret” Freemasons
What is the first thing that comes to mind when I mention the word “Masons?” You probably think things like secret society, government control, or world domination, right? One of the myths I had always heard was how Freemasonry overlaps with, or is controlled by, the Illuminati. That Illuminati Freemasons secretly control many major aspects of society and government and are working to establish the New World Order.
Thrilling stuff, huh? Well, what if I told you that you could gain access to Mason Lodges all over the panhandle this weekend and find out for yourself! Interested?
Masonic lodges all over will host open houses this Saturday from 10am to 2pm. It’s your chance to see firsthand who the Masons are and for them to introduce the public to the inner workings of a Masonic Lodge. They’ll be there to answer questions about Masonry and discuss reasons why Masonry is the oldest and largest fraternity in the world.
Think about it, if they were really up to what the myths say, would they really be willing to invite you in to take a look around? Probably not!
Click the button below to find the closest Masonic Lodge to you. There are a couple right here in Amarillo.
Let’s put all the conspiracy stuff to the side… what does the Masonry really do? Men join Masonry to enjoy fellowship and worthwhile activities with other men who share similar values, including belief in any higher being, religious tolerance, civic-mindedness, charitable giving and support for law enforcement, the military and public schools. Here’s something I never knew… public education in Texas was begun by Masons, and the first lodges in Texas housed the first school rooms. Many of the founders of both the United States and the Republic of Texas were Masons, including George Washington, Paul Revere, Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, Douglas MacArthur, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Sam Houston and Stephen F. Austin. The first Masonic Lodges in Texas were formed in 1836, and there are more than 914 lodges and more than 122,000 Masons in Texas.
Every year, lodges here in Amarillo and the surround communities award scholarships to deserving students that college would otherwise be a tremendous hardship.