Every few weeks we do one of these stories and it doesn't look like they're stopping anytime soon. The latest teacher/student sex scandal comes to us from Lockhart, Texas, just south of Austin.
During a field trip, two teachers decided to hang out with their students, buy them beer, then engage in sexual activity. Field trips have really changed since I've been out of high school.
In a move that should surprise absolutely no one, officials in South Dakota have pulled their 'Don't Jerk and Drive' campaign -- and the reason should be pretty obvious.
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.comSome parents are outraged at the fact that 13 New York schools have now began administering the Plan B pill as well as other birth control.
So there you are, having sex or watching porn (oh, don’t act like you never do) when suddenly you’re hit with a blinding headache. What gives?