This Clothing Style Now a No-No in Dumas ISD Schools
Let's face it, going to school is tough these days. Our kids are faced with insane challenges each day. From learning to dealing with bullies and violence. The rules of the school are getting stricter each year.
Being a kid and an individual is what shapes us into the adults we are today. Sometimes our uniqueness comes from the way we dress, however, certain clothing is deemed inappropriate for school, and Dumas ISD has added a quite popular clothing choice to its not allowed list.
Dumas ISD announced that it will no longer allow students in 5th-12th grade to wear jeans with holes in them to school. They made the announcement on their social media pages.
I know a lot of students are not happy about this decision and some parents aren't either. Some of the comments left said, "good luck finding jeans without holes in them." Another comment made said, "Because holes are distracting to one’s education right??"
I understand that some of these jeans that do have holes in them, have huge gaping holes in areas of the jeans that shouldn't have large holes.
However, what happens to those kids who cannot afford new jeans and whose jeans have holes (not pre-purchased holes, but wear and tear). Are they going to be sent home?
Here are a few of the other items not allowed on the dress code for Dumas ISD.
T-shirts are not allowed. (See exception below for Friday Spirit Days – School Spiritt-shirts)
Really, t-shirts? My kid would die, that's all he wears?
All lower garments are acceptable except spandex, athletic shorts and/or wind suits, knit, nylon and stretch-type materials, cargo pants, and clinging or transparent clothing.
Does this mean leggings as well?
I completely understand that a dress code is needed, however, is this going too far?
Here's the full student dress code for Dumas ISD here.