City of Dollars: Exploring the Sudden Boom of Dollar Trees in Amarillo
It seems that every single week we are sharing about a new Dollar Tree opening up in the area.
Does Amarillo need this many discount shopping stores?
Buying something for $1, err $1.25 and more in the Dollar Tree is cost-effective, but are we soon to see one on every corner?
There are 9 Dollar Trees in Amarillo and multiple waiting to be built.
It was brought to our attention that another Dollar Tree will be popping up in Bushland. It will be located at 1300 S FM 2381. It will be in the area around Bushland High School.
It's expected to be finished by November.
Why so many Dollar Trees?
I'm beginning to wonder if Dollar Tree has a beef with Dollar Generals, because it seems when a Dollar General goes up, a Dollar Tree goes up across the street or next door. It has the feel of Toot N Totum Vs. Pak-A-Sak.
I get saving money is great but again do we need this many Dollar Trees in Amarillo?
Here's where the new Arden Road Dollar Tree will be popping up soon.
This is where the McCormick Road Dollar Tree will call home.
On a positive note, at least some of these areas will now have access to affordable items. Take Bushland for example, if someone's kid has to make a solar system, and they forgot and it's due the next day, Dollar Tree will be right there and they have everything you need to make one. The same for McCormick!