Thomas Brown Murder Theories Are Circling Social Media
In the Fall of 2016 Thomas Brown, a 16-year-old boy went missing from Canadian Texas. After a long two years of finding clues and leads that lead nowhere the hunt finally ended in January of 2019.
Remains found outside of Candian were confirmed to be Thomas Browns and now there were a whole new set of questions that arose. While the case was growing cold people in the small town started to talk. A Facebook post was shared and taken down over and over again with a conspiracy theory of events.
The post reads as followed.
*Copied *
I did not write this
Jeff Caseltine, Canadian, Texas, teacher committed suicide with a 25 caliber pistol less than a week after the remains of THOMAS KELLY BROWN'S remains were identified.
Tom disappeared between 1130 pm and midnight the evening before Thanksgiving, 2016. His last known location was 1130 at a self service gas station in Canadian before he was planning on going home for midnight curfew.
Tom's mother, Penny Meek, became alarmed when Tom missed curfew which he never did. She & Tom's older brother, Tucker, drove the streets of the 2 stoplight town looking for Tom or his Dodge Durango for an
hour and a half. Penny called the 2 friends Tom had spent the evening with but neither of them could tell her anything that might help her. One of the teens, Kaleb King son of a Texas state Representative, and his mother & the other friend began driving through the dark streets looking for Tom or his red SUV. He wasn't answering his texts or calls and the phone had apparently been turned off although the first 2 texts from his mom and brother showed as being delivered shortly after midnight.While Canadian's population is only 2,500 it is a prosperous town. Oil, gas, cattle and support services funnel $ into the historic little place. (I have connections to Canadian through my mother's family & spent a week there doing research a few yrs ago)
Tom's mother called the sheriff's dispatch office to report her son's disappearance about 0145 am. A sheriff's deputy came to the family home about 0400 am. He took Tucker with him in a sheriff's department vehicle & drove through the town. One place they went was the north side of Canadian where the on baseball field & park are. Tucker noticed that a normally closed & locked gate to a dirt road was open but the deputy didn't drive down there. Later Tucker asked to go back to that area but the deputy refused saying he had to go off shift.
Christian Webb, a friend of Tom's, and her father who owned a helicopter, took off daylight to look for the red Dodge Durango from the air. Around 0840 they saw it parked in trees over a slight hill on a road leading to the city's sewage treatment plant.
The first deputy to arrive attempted to keep other responders out of the vehicle, to no avail. She reported that people were all over the truck. Tom wasn't in or around the truck...no Tom, keys, cell phone, back pack & school laptop... nothing but a "smudge" of blood and an empty 25 caliber bullet casing. A debit card belonging to a "Michael" was in the vehicle as well.
Texas DPS brought in search dogs and mounted riders scoured the area without finding anything. The sewage treatment ponds were drained. Cadaver dogs got a "whiff" but couldn't track it.
The newly elected sheriff, Nathan Lewis, contacted Penny Meek and told her that he thought Tom had committed suicide. But he had no evidence. Later that SAME DAY Tom's Durango was delivered to his family house WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE GATHERING, no fingerprints taken, nothing... except the bullet casing and blood smudge was gone.
Within a few days, the sheriff's story about Tom changed. Now he claimed that Tom had run off with an older man he had met online. Again, there was no evidence. Sheriff Nathan Lewis showed Penny a picture of Tom taken while he was pumping gas. The angle was behind on ground level, not the angle of a security camera AND there were no security cameras at the gas station. Later Sheriff Nathan Lewis denied the existence of the picture.
In January 2019, an employee of the rural electric company spotted a wet dirty backpack in some brush off the road to Lake Marvin, a local recreation area about 12 miles outside Canadian. The sheriff's office had allegedly searched the area before & found nothing. The backpack was Tom's with his school computer, but no phone. Curiously even BEFORE the discovery of the backpack, the sheriff had asked Tom's mother, Penny Meek, for the security code for Tom's phone even though it had not been found. Penny didn't know what it was & neither did anyone else.
Penny hired a private investigator from Houston. He was told NOT to search the area around Lake Marvin as it was already covered. The investigator conducted at least one search in the area nearly a year later in October 2017. Within a few minutes, near the lake, a cell phone & a holster for a "small pistol" was found. The finder was instructed NOT to pick it up OR take a picture of it. The sheriff took custody of the phone. No one in Tom's family has been allowed to see it, but the description of the phone, as told to them by the finder was not the same color or model as Tom's. Penny believes that the phone the DPS has in it's lab IS Tom's phone but not the one found by the lake.
For over two years there was no information, clues, nothing about what happened to the young man who was president of his class, former HS football player, public speaker, active in the drama class...he had a role in the upcoming play. Everyone in Canadian knows everyone... Penny Meek was a teacher and his stepfather was a volunteer firefighter. His father lived about 40 miles away in Perryton, Tx.
An interesting thing about Sheriff Nathan Lewis: he had previously been a deputy in a neighboring county. On one occasion BEFORE he was working in Hemphill County, Lewis had gone to Canadian & confronted Tom and some friends, making Tom get in his car, accusing the boys of attempting to break into a business. Nathan Lewis had no jurisdiction in Canadian at that time. Other students in Canadian have reported similar incidents.
After Lewis was elected sheriff with virtually no opposition (the incumbent didn't like to campaign), every employee of the sheriff's office QUIT except a dispatcher (per Penny Meek).
On January 9, 2019, a local man was out walking near the road to Lake Marvin and discovered human remains. They were identified as THOMAS KELLY BROWN through dental records.
The debit card found in Tom's Durango belonged to the son of Jeff Casteltine, the teacher who committed suicide with a 25 caliber pistol, the same caliber of the shell casing found in Tom's truck. Casteltine had been active in drama as was Tom.
Sheriff Nathan Lewis's stories have changed several times. He tried to block the family and investigator from obtaining information regarding Tom's disappearance. The Texas Rangers & the State Attorney General are conducting their own investigation. The FBI is off the case.
Small town, big crime. Case has been ruled a homicide. Somebody knows how Tom died, nobody is telling. My 💓 aches for his family. Please don't forget Tom.
This is a word for word post from Debbie Dixon. Click here see the original post.
This theory is pure speculation and has not been confirmed. Do you have a theory? Leave us a comment below.
Prayers and thoughts to the Brown Family in this difficult time.
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