Watch Out! If You Have A Warrant in Pampa Take Care of It Now
When this event rolls around, all I hear in my head is the "Cops" theme song, "Bad Boys Bad Boys whatcha gonna do...." Pampa it's here and it's either time to take care of your stuff, or keep running and hiding.
I would opt for the take care of your stuff because if you keep running and hiding it'll just get worse.
Warrant Resolution is happening now in Pampa, Texas. The cops are ready to harvest and make sure outstanding warrants are taken care of and closed. Besides why do you have warrants anyway. Be a good human and pay your fines and tickets and stop breaking the law. It's that simple.
The Warrant Resolution will take place this week through March 26th. Pampa Police will be out trying to round up all the warrants.
Pampa currently has 3899 warrants. That's a a total value of $1,589,647.37. That's a lot of money and a lot of warrants.
I mean wouldn't you rather take care of your warrant instead of getting pulled over one day for speeding, and having Jesus and all of Pampa seeing you get put in silver bracelets and put in the back of a police car.
Are you on this list?
Yes, you may not have the money to pay the warrant, but my guess is, they will work out a payment plan with you.
That's what happens, you break the law, there are consequences. So the best thing you could do, take care of your warrants.
No one likes being arrested or locked up. So take care of your warrants or have them hanging over your head, and eventually end up sitting in jail.
"Bad Boys Bad Boys whatcha gonna do...."